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The German pharmacist and physician "Samuel Hahnemann" (1755 – 1835) was with the medical practice of his time very disappointed. He established his medical concept according to which similar things do heal, he created the word homeopathy from the Greek words "homoios" (similar) and "pathos" (sufferin). It is an independent form of therapy and uses its own medicines.

The homeopathy approach is controversy to the classical allopathic methods of healing: “Similia similibus curentur", which means "similar will be cured by similar”.


The so called "similarity" mean that the homeopathic medication would produce in healthy people exactly the same symptoms when given undiluted, as those symptoms the patients will be cured from, homeopathic medicines. They stimulate and regulate the self-healing processes of the body, like the immune system, and strengthen body and healthiness. In opposite to this the conventional medication - for example antibiotics – target to kill germs. 

In order to avoid toxicity, homeopathy uses weak dilutions of the active substances. Homeopathic remedies are therefore free of side effects. These dilutions are called potentiations:

  • "D" potencies are 1:10 dilutions,

  • "C" potencies are 1:100 dilutions,

  • "M" is an abbreviation for a C1000,

  • "LM" or "Q" for 1:50,000 dilution steps

​In order to find the appropriate treatment, our experienced doctors will examine, interview and observe the patients in detail in order to obtain as comprehensive a picture of the symptoms as possible. Even as many symptoms are very similar, every patient does react in his own way. So for instance, not every cold does show the same symptoms. When disease occur many different factors are necessary. Every disease is independent and need an individual therapy.

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